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目录 contents




    Machine learning involves some implicit sensitive data that may reveal user’s privacy information when attacked by model attacks such as model queries or model tests. In view of the above problems, this paper proposes a sensitivity data privacy protection Mentoring model PATE⁃T, which provides a strong privacy guarantee for the training data for machine learning. The method combines multiple Master models trained by disjoint sensitive data sets in a black box manner, relying directly on sensitive training data. Disciple is transfer learning by Master’s collection and cannot directly access Master or basic parameters. Disciple’s data field is different but related to the sensitive training data field. In terms of differential privacy, an attacker can query the Disciple and check its internal work, but it cannot obtain the private information of the training data. Experiments show that the privacy protection model proposed in this paper has reached the balance of privacy/practical accuracy on the MNIST data set and SVHN data set,and the results are superior.

  • 引 言

    机器学习(Machine learning, ML)正成为云计算时代的一种模型服务。对于数据持有人,希望能够对数据进行预测模型训练,提供机器学习框架和服务。理想情况下,将敏感数据(如病历,遗传序列等)输入到机器学习模型中训练时需要保护其隐私信息,但实际训练生成的机器学习模型难以保证。最近,利用某些隐含记忆攻击可以从ML模型中恢复敏感的训练数据。这种攻击可以直接地通过分析内部模型参数进[1,2],也可以间接地通过反复查询不透明模型来收集数据分析攻[3]。例如,Shokri[1]利用会员推理攻击,根据模型的预测结果,反向推断训练模型的数据中是否包括了某些具体训练点。因此,隐私保证必须适用于最坏情况:任何隐私保护策略为了保护训练数据的隐私,应该严谨地假设攻击者可以不受限制地访问模型内部参数。为实现敏感隐私数据的可靠保护,数据脱敏技术是使用脱敏规则对某些敏感信息进行数据变形。差分隐私是经典的数据脱敏技术,添加随机噪声使敏感数据失真,同时能够保持一些数据或数据属性不变,并且保证处理后的数据在某些统计方面的性质不变,以便进行数据挖掘等操作。

    如图1所示,本文采取差分隐私的数据脱敏技术,提出一种基于迁移学习隐私保护师徒模型(Private aggregation of teacher ensembles and transfer learning,PATE⁃T)。通过将“徒弟”的训练数据限制在“师父”投票中,并通过仔细添加随机噪声后选取最高投票。利用迁移学习把敏感的“师父”集合知识迁移到另一个非敏感数据域,进一步加强隐私保护。


    图1 PATE⁃T模型架构

    Fig.1 PATE⁃T model architecture

    为了确保数据的有效性,该模型包括由不相交数据子集训练生成的“师父”模型,和模仿“师父”集合的“徒弟”模型。由于所有“师父”都是在数据集的不相交子集上训练得到,当“师父”数量达到法定数量时,相应的预测源于泛化,而不是过度拟合到特定的训练点。“徒弟”在“师父”集合的总体输出上训练,确保“徒弟”不依赖任何一个敏感训练数据点。“师父”集合采用差分隐私的数据脱敏技术,保留数据在统计方面的性质,模型不会因为隐私保护而牺牲数据的有效性。本文的差分隐私学习策略仔细地添加噪声,分析和限制每个数据项的隐私影响。采用Moments accountant技[4]动态分析“师父”嘈杂选票的敏感性,当最高投票的法定数量较大时,收紧隐私约束。


    为了解决这个问题,本文的解决方法是利用迁移学习将源域的敏感信息知识迁移到不同但相关的非敏感数据域中。这样设置的好处是不再强制性约束“徒弟”对“师父”的访问程度;并且能够在敏感训练数据标签很少的情况下,得到精确度很高的“徒弟”模型。在差分隐私方面,即使“徒弟”的体系结构和参数由对手进行公开或反向设计,仍保留了原始数据集上的隐私信息。根据文献[5]提出的关联思想,本文提出“徒弟”模型的关联领域自适应(Correlative domain adaptation,CDA),遵循的范例是,为了有效地导出目标域的类标签,在统计域不变嵌入空间中加强源数据与目标数据之间的关联,同时最小化标记源域的分类错误。本文提出的PATE⁃T方法在标准MNIST数据[6]和SVHN数据[7]上分别以98.46%和90.73%的分类精度取得较好的结果。

  • 1 国内外研究现状

  • 1.1 差分隐私

    k⁃anonymity[8]能够保证任意一条记录与其他的k-1条记录不可区分,但是缺乏随机[9],容易受到背景知识攻击和一致性攻击。Differential privacy[10](称差分隐私)给出极为严格的攻击模型的定义,对于隐私泄露风险,差分隐私给出了极为严谨的、定量化的表示和证明。

    Shokri[11]提出了一种隐私保护的分布式随机梯度下降(Stochastic gradient descent,SGD)算法,适用于非凸模型。Abadi[4]通过Moments accountant技术对嘈杂SGD引起的隐私损失提供严格的界限,它是一种追踪隐私损失机制,允许对复杂集成机制的隐私损失进行严密的自动分析。相比之下,本文的PATE⁃T模型在MNIST数据集上将分类精度从97%提高到98.46%,同时将隐私约束ε从8降低到3。


    Jagannathan[14]学习了隐私保护随机森林,修改了决策树经典模型,隐私保证不是来自随机森林中由不同决策树分析的不相交训练数据集,而是来自经修改后的架构。在此基础上,Papernot[15]提出了PATE⁃G方法,在敏感数据的不相关子集上训练了一组教师模[16]。学生模型利用对抗生成网络(Generative adversarial net,GAN[17]进行半监督学[18]生成。本文基于这种思想对隐私保护模型进行改进,摒弃了要求训练数据和测试数据学习任务分布相同的半监督学习方法,采用迁移学习更好地保护训练数据的隐私。

  • 1.2 迁移学习


    迁移学习的发展从基于实例迁移,基于模型迁移,到偏重数学变换的基于特征迁移,再到深度迁移,对抗迁移。近年来,Pan[19]提出迁移成分分析(Transfer component analysis,TCA),使用最大均值差异(Maximum mean discrepancy,MMD[20]学习再生核希尔伯特空间(Reproducing kernel Hilbert space, RKHS)中跨领域的迁移成分。Long[21]提出的联合分布适配(Joint distribution adaptation, JDA)使数据在降维过程中同时调整条件分布和边缘分布,并构建新的特征表示。深度适配网络(Deep adaptation network,DAN[22]架构设计多核MMD和多层适配,将卷积神经网络推广到领域自适应场景。深度联合适配网络(Joint adaptation networks,JAN[23]使用联合适配网络进行深度迁移学习,根据联合最大均值差异(Joint maximum mean discrepancy,JMMD)对齐跨领域的多个特定领域层,通过联合适配网络来迁移学习。然而,用于以上迁移学习的最大均值差异MMD及其变形存在一个缺陷:需要选择适当的内核超参数,比如高斯内核的标准偏差。

    Ganin[24]提出向深度网络中加入对抗的思想。Tan[25]提出远域迁移学习(Distant domain transfer learning,DDTL),通过选择性学习算法(Selective learning algorithm,SLA)解决目标领域数据分布与源领域数据分布完全不同的问题。Zhu[26]使用循环一致对抗网络将一类图片转换成另一类图片。与这种方法类似,Heausser[5]提出关联域自适应,在嵌入空间中加强源领域与目标领域之间的关联。本文的迁移学习算法CDA基于这两种方法进行改进,使目标域的分类精度更高。

  • 2 PATE⁃T模型框架


  • 2.1 训练“师父”队伍




    式中: ε是一个隐私参数,Lapb是以location为0和scale为b的拉普拉斯算子,参数ε影响隐私保护程度。注意,实际引入拉普拉斯机制的隐私参数ε与本文给定的ε值成反比,小的ε导致很强的隐私保证,但会降低标签的准确性。ε的选取将在本文4.2节进一步讨论。


  • 2.2 从“师父”集合到“徒弟”的迁移学习






  • 3 关联领域自适应算法





    Haeusser[28]认为,高阶往返不会提高性能。两步概率强制性要求类标签上的近似均匀分布,这可以通过称为Walker loss的交叉熵损失实现,即有



    这意味着同一类中的所有关联循环被迫具有相等的概率。Walker loss本身可以通过只访问容易关联的目标样本,跳过比较复杂的目标样本来最小化损失,这会导致对目标域的泛化不佳。通过调整Lvisit可以实现以相同的概率访问每个目标样本。Visit loss由目标样本的均匀分布与任何源样本点到目标样本点的访问概率之间的交叉熵定义为



    在返回映射中,进一步加强关联,增加覆盖率,Cover loss由任何目标样本开始到源样本的访问概率与源样本的均匀分布之间的交叉熵定义为



    算法1 CDA算法





    利用式(5)计算随机游走损失Walker loss;

    利用式(6)计算访问损失Visit loss;

    利用式(7)计算反向随机游走损失Cover loss;










  • 4 实验分析


  • 4.1 实验环境及数据集分析

  • 4.1.1 “师父”模型


  • 4.1.2 “徒弟”模型


  • 4.2 聚合机制参数调整实验


    (1) 预测准确性。当其他情况相同,“师父”的数量n受限于分类任务的复杂性与可用数据之间的权衡,用分割数据集的方式训练n组“师父”,较大n导致较大的绝对差距,潜在地允许更大的噪声水平和更强的隐私保证。然而,随着n的增大,每位“师父”的训练数据随之减少,就可能降低“师父”的准确性。实验证明当n=100时,MNIST的个体“师父”的平均测试精度为90.45 %,SVHN的个体“师父”的平均测试精度为83.87%。



    图2 噪声对聚合机制的影响

    Fig.2 Effect of noise on aggregation mechanism

  • 4.3 “徒弟”模型参数调整实验

    通过PATE⁃T训练的“徒弟”模型,在SVHNMNIST数据集上,“徒弟”分别获得5 000或10 000或15 000个训练样本,样本标签通过嘈杂的聚合机制进行标记。对于其余的21 032或16 032或11 032个样本进行评估。“徒弟”对“师父”的标签查询记为share。如图3,较多的标签查询有利于提高“徒弟”模型的准确性,share越大,“徒弟”精确度越高。在MNISTMNISTM数据集上,“徒弟”可以访问3 000或5 000个训练样本,训练样本通过“师父”集合进行标记,剩余的7 000或5 000个样本对性能进行评估。拉普拉斯尺度为5来保证查询隐私约束ε=0.2,参数的选择由2.1节所驱动。当对“师父”集合的标签查询share=5000,“徒弟”模型精确度为98.46%,在相同的隐私保护框架下,PATE⁃G模[15]中“徒弟”模型精确度为94.66%,即使是采用作者的测试结果,本实验的预测结果依然最优越。


    图3 不同数量的标签查询与其精确度之间的关系(ε=0.33)

    Fig.3 Relationship between different numbers of tag queries and precision (ε=0.33)



    图4 噪声对“徒弟”精确度的影响

    Fig.4 Effect of noise on accuracy of disciple

  • 4.4 小规模对比实验


                            不同噪声干扰ε对 PATE⁃T,PATE⁃G的影响(SVHN数据集,share=10000)

    图5 不同噪声干扰ε对 PATE⁃T,PATE⁃G的影响(SVHN数据集,share=10000)

    Fig.5 Effect of different noise interference ε on PATE‑T, PATE⁃G on SVHN dataset when share=10000

                            不同噪声干扰ε对 PATE⁃T,PATE⁃G的影响(MNIST数据集,share=5000)

    图6 不同噪声干扰ε对 PATE⁃T,PATE⁃G的影响(MNIST数据集,share=5000)

    Fig.6 Effect of different noise interference ε on PATE‑T, PATE⁃G on MNIST dataset when share=5000

  • 4.5 大规模对比实验



    图7 PATE⁃T与PATE⁃G对比(SVHN数据集)

    Fig.7 Comparison between PATE⁃T and PATE‑G on SVHN dataset

  • 4.6 隐私模型与非隐私模型对比

    1列出了所提供的ε值与对应“徒弟”的精确度,“徒弟”对“师父”集合标签查询数量,以及最好的非隐私模型的精确度,相应PATE⁃G模型精确度。噪声干扰ε=0.2,针对MNIST数据集,“徒弟”可以得到98.46%分类精度,与4.1节介绍的非隐私模型精确度相比只有0.72%的差距,相同条件下PATE⁃G的分类精度只有94.66%;针对SVHN数据集,当share=15 000时,“徒弟”的准确率为90.73%,并且与4.1节介绍的非隐私模型效果相当,相应的隐私约束ε=0.33,在相同的条件下,PATE⁃G的测试精确度只有88.00%。

    表1 PATE⁃T模型隐私与实用

    Tab.1 Utility and privacy of the PATE⁃T model

    DatasetεShareNon⁃Private baseline/%PATE⁃T/%PATE⁃G/%
    MNIST0.335 00099.1898.4696.38
    MNIST0.205 00099.1898.4694.66
    SVHN0.3315 00092.8090.7388.00
    SVHN0.2010 00092.8088.5487.16
  • 5 结束语

    针对敏感训练数据的隐私保护问题,本文提出了PATE⁃T模型。该方法把不相交数据训练的“师父”模型进行知识聚合并迁移学习到属性可以被公开的“徒弟”模型,“徒弟”能够替代“师父”回答用户查询。由于“徒弟”与敏感的训练数据不在同一个数据域,能够强有力保证训练数据的隐私。PATE⁃T方法在MNIST和SVHN标准数据集精确度为98.46%和90.73%,表现显著,为用户数据提供了较好的隐私保护技术。本文提出将迁移学习运用到差分隐私保护,对训练数据进行隐私保证,对于专家和非专家人员来说都容易解释,具有较好的应用价值。目前,聚合多方隐私数据对于机器学习有很多运用价值,本文提出的PATE⁃T模型只是针对单源敏感训练数据进行隐私保护,后期工作将会扩展到分布式敏感训练数据隐私保护。本文的贡献是:(1) 提出一种通用的机器学习策略PATE⁃T方法,该方法以“黑匣子”的方式为训练数据提供差分隐私,即“师父”模型和“徒弟”模型的训练方法独立于具体学习算法。(2) PATE⁃T保护训练数据隐私的机器模型策略,将迁移学习与隐私保护技术相结合,极大程度地提高敏感数据的隐私保护。(3) 提出一种神经网络领域自适应技术CDA算法,基于有标记源域的统计特性推断无标记目标域的类别标签。

  • 参 考 文 献

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      Shokri R, Stronati M, Song C, et al. Membership inference attacks against machine learning models[C]//2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). [S.l.]: IEEE, 2017: 160⁃176.

    • 2

      Fredrikson M, Somesh J, Thomas R. Model inversion attacks that exploit confidence information and basic countermeasures. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security.

      [S.l.]: ACM, 2015: 89⁃101.

    • 3

      Zhang C, Bengio S, Hardt M, et al. Deep learning requires rethinking generalization[C]// International Conference on Learning Representation(ICLP). Toulon, France: IEEE, 2017: 262⁃277.

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      Abadi M, Chu A, Goodfellow I, et al. Deep learning with differential privacy[C]//Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. [S.l.]: ACM, 2016: 308⁃318.

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      Haeusser P, Frerix T, Mordvintsev A, et al. Associative domain adaptation[C]//International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). Venice, Italy: IEEE, 2017: 2765⁃2773.

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      LeCun Y, Bottou L, Bengio Y, et al. Gradient⁃based learning applied to document recognition[J]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1998, 86(11): 2278⁃2324.

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      Netzer Y, Wang T, Coates A, et al. Reading digits in natural images with unsupervised feature learning[C]//NIPS Workshop on Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning. Whistler, B C, Canada:NIPS,2011: 5.

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      Sweeney L.K⁃anonymity: A model for protecting privacy[J].International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge⁃Based Systems, 2002, 10(05): 557⁃570.

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      Dwork C, Roth A. The algorithmic foundations of differential privacy[J]. Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, 2014, 9(3/4): 211⁃407.

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      Shokri R, Shmatikov V. Privacy⁃preserving deep learning[C] //Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. [S.l.]: ACM, 2015: 1310⁃1321.

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      Pathak M, Rane S, Raj B. Multiparty differential privacy via aggregation of locally trained classifiers[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: NIPS,2010: 1876⁃1884.

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      Hamm J, Cao Y, Belkin M. Learning privately from multiparty data[C]//International Conference on Machine Learning. New York, USA:

      s.n.],2016: 555⁃563.

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      Jagannathan G, Monteleoni C, Pillaipakkamnatt K. A semi⁃supervised learning approach to differential privacy[C]//IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW). [S.l.]: IEEE, 2013: 841⁃848.

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      Papernot N, Abadi M, Erlingsson U, et al. Semi⁃supervised knowledge transfer for deep learning from private training data[C]// International Conference on Learning Representations. San Juan, Puerto Rico:

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      Dietterich T G. Ensemble methods in machine learning[C]//International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2000: 1⁃15.

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      Pan S J, Tsang I W, Kwok J T, et al. Domain adaptation via transfer component analysis[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011, 22(2): 199⁃210.

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      Gretton A, Borgwardt K M, Rasch M J, et al. A kernel two⁃sample test[J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2012, 13: 723⁃773.

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      s.n.],2015: 97⁃105.

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      Long M, Zhu H, Wang J, et al. Deep transfer learning with joint adaptation networks[C]//International Conference on Machine Learning. Sydney, NSW, Australia:

      s.n.],2017: 2208⁃2217.

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      Ganin Y, Ustinova E, Ajakan H, et al. Domain⁃adversarial training of neural networks[J]. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016, 17(1): 2096⁃2030.

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      Tan B, Zhang Y, Pan S J, et al. Distant domain transfer learning[C]//Thirty⁃First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. San Francisco, California, USA: AAAI, 2017: 2604⁃2610.

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      Zhu J Y, Park T, Isola P, et al. Unpaired image‑to‑image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Venice. Italy: IEEE, 2017: 2223‑2232.

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      Ben⁃David S, Blitzer J, Crammer K, et al. A theory of learning from different domains[J]. Machine Learning, 2010, 79(1/2): 151⁃175.

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      Haeusser P, Mordvintsev A, Cremers D. Learning by association‑a versatile semi‑supervised training method for neural networks[C]//Proc IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Honolulu, HI, USA:IEEE, 2017: 89⁃98.

    • 29

      Krizhevsky A, Sutskever I, Hinton G E. Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States:NIPS,2012: 1097⁃1105.

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      Ganin Y, Ustinova E, Ajakan H, et al. Domain⁃adversarial training of neural networks[J]. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016, 17(1): 2096⁃2030.

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      Arbelaez P, Maire M, Fowlkes C, et al. Contour detection and hierarchical image segmentation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2011, 33(5): 898⁃916.


机 构:贵州大学计算机科学与技术学院,贵阳,550025

Affiliation:College of Computer Science and Technology,Guizhou University,Guiyang,550025,China


机 构:

1. 贵州大学计算机科学与技术学院,贵阳,550025

2. 贵州大学贵州省公共大数据重点实验室,贵阳,550025


1. College of Computer Science and Technology,Guizhou University,Guiyang,550025,China

2. Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Public Big Data,Guizhou University,Guiyang ,550025,China


机 构:

1. 贵州大学计算机科学与技术学院,贵阳,550025

2. 贵州大学贵州省公共大数据重点实验室,贵阳,550025


1. College of Computer Science and Technology,Guizhou University,Guiyang,550025,China

2. Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Public Big Data,Guizhou University,Guiyang ,550025,China


角 色:中文编辑


DatasetεShareNon⁃Private baseline/%PATE⁃T/%PATE⁃G/%
MNIST0.335 00099.1898.4696.38
MNIST0.205 00099.1898.4694.66
SVHN0.3315 00092.8090.7388.00
SVHN0.2010 00092.8088.5487.16

图1 PATE⁃T模型架构

Fig.1 PATE⁃T model architecture

图2 噪声对聚合机制的影响

Fig.2 Effect of noise on aggregation mechanism

图3 不同数量的标签查询与其精确度之间的关系(ε=0.33)

Fig.3 Relationship between different numbers of tag queries and precision (ε=0.33)

图4 噪声对“徒弟”精确度的影响

Fig.4 Effect of noise on accuracy of disciple

图5 不同噪声干扰ε对 PATE⁃T,PATE⁃G的影响(SVHN数据集,share=10000)

Fig.5 Effect of different noise interference ε on PATE‑T, PATE⁃G on SVHN dataset when share=10000

图6 不同噪声干扰ε对 PATE⁃T,PATE⁃G的影响(MNIST数据集,share=5000)

Fig.6 Effect of different noise interference ε on PATE‑T, PATE⁃G on MNIST dataset when share=5000


Fig.7 Comparison between PATE⁃T and PATE‑G on SVHN dataset

表1 PATE⁃T模型隐私与实用

Tab.1 Utility and privacy of the PATE⁃T model

image /

  • 参 考 文 献

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      Shokri R, Stronati M, Song C, et al. Membership inference attacks against machine learning models[C]//2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). [S.l.]: IEEE, 2017: 160⁃176.

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      Fredrikson M, Somesh J, Thomas R. Model inversion attacks that exploit confidence information and basic countermeasures. Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security.

      [S.l.]: ACM, 2015: 89⁃101.

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      Abadi M, Chu A, Goodfellow I, et al. Deep learning with differential privacy[C]//Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. [S.l.]: ACM, 2016: 308⁃318.

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      s.n.],2015: 97⁃105.

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      s.n.],2017: 2208⁃2217.

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      Ganin Y, Ustinova E, Ajakan H, et al. Domain⁃adversarial training of neural networks[J]. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2016, 17(1): 2096⁃2030.

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      Zhu J Y, Park T, Isola P, et al. Unpaired image‑to‑image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. Venice. Italy: IEEE, 2017: 2223‑2232.

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      Ben⁃David S, Blitzer J, Crammer K, et al. A theory of learning from different domains[J]. Machine Learning, 2010, 79(1/2): 151⁃175.

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      Haeusser P, Mordvintsev A, Cremers D. Learning by association‑a versatile semi‑supervised training method for neural networks[C]//Proc IEEE Conf on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Honolulu, HI, USA:IEEE, 2017: 89⁃98.

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      Krizhevsky A, Sutskever I, Hinton G E. Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Lake Tahoe, Nevada, United States:NIPS,2012: 1097⁃1105.

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      Arbelaez P, Maire M, Fowlkes C, et al. Contour detection and hierarchical image segmentation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2011, 33(5): 898⁃916.