

参考文献 1
洪艳. 基于叶片轮廓与角点的植物叶片识别研究[D].合肥:合肥工业大学,2015.
HongYan. Plant leaves recognition based on leaf contour and corner points[D]. Hefei:Hefei University of Technology, 2015.
参考文献 2
EtehadtavakolM, Yin-KweeN E, GheissariN. Using shape contexts method for registration of contra lateral breasts in thermal images[J].World Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2014, 5(5):1055-1059.
参考文献 3
MouineS, YahiaouiI, Verroust-BlondetA. A shape-based approach for leaf classification using multiscale triangular representation[C]//Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. Dallas, USA: ACM, 2013:127-134.
参考文献 4
WangBin, BrownD, GaoYongsheng, et al. MARCH: Multiscale-arch-height description for mobile retrieval of leaf images[J]. Information Sciences, 2015(302):132-148.
参考文献 5
王晓洁,于浩杰,郑小东.凸包在植物叶锯齿与叶裂位置识别中的应用[J].农机化研究,2013, 35(3):214-216.
WangXiaojie, YuHaojie, ZhengXiaodong. Application of convex hull in location discrimination of leaf teeth and leaf lobes[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2013, 35(3):214-216.
参考文献 6
董本志,康欣,任洪娥.植物叶片轮廓特征提取方法研究[J].计算机工程与应用, 2015, 51(8):143-147.
DongBenzhi, KangXin, Ren Hong’e. Plant leaves contour feature extraction method[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015, 51(8):143-147.
参考文献 7
RudinL I, OsherS, FatemiE. Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms[J]. Phys D Nonlinear Phenom, 1992, 60: 259-268.
参考文献 8
RudinL I, OsherS. Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints[C]//Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 1994). Austin, TX, USA: IEEE, 1994: 31-35.
参考文献 9
OsherS, BurgerM, GoldfarbD, et al. An iterative regularization method for total variation-based image restoration[J]. Multiscale Model Simul, 2005, 4: 460-489.
参考文献 10
王大凯,侯榆青,彭进业.图像处理的偏微分方程方法[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2008:144-149.
参考文献 11
王晓洁, 郑小东. 基于双向极角的植物叶凸包生成算法[J].农机化研究, 2009, 31(10):173-175.
WangXiaojie, ZhengXiaodong. Algorithm of constructing convex hull for plant leaf based on bidirectional polar angle[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2009, 31(10):173-175.
目录 contents


    树叶锯齿特征的提取对于研究植物内部的基因关系至关重要。为了克服现有算法的局限性,本文提出一种基于有界变分的树叶锯齿特征提取算法,以有效提取树叶锯齿的数量、深度和宽度等多维特征,从而为后续的基因分析提供重要依据。首先对树叶图像进行预处理以得到其轮廓坐标;然后计算整个叶片相邻像素点之间的斜率变分,以实现初步的角点检索;再通过估算锯齿深度进行误差补偿,从而得到锯齿角点及其凹点,最终估算出锯齿的多维特征。本文利用瑞典的白杨树叶(12 000片)对所提算法进行验证。大数据验证表明,本文算法能够批量提取树叶锯齿个数、宽度和深度等特征,其中锯齿数量的识别准确度达到86.3%。


    The feature extraction of leaf serration plays a crucial role in studying the plant gene relationship. To overcome the drawbacks of current algorithms, a novel leaf feature extraction algorithm based on bounded variation is proposed. Thereby, multi-parameters such as serration numbers, serration depth, and serration width can be obtained. These parameters provide an important basis for the subsequent gene analysis. Firstly, the boundary coordinates of a leaf are obtained based on image preprocessing. Secondly, we calculate the bounded variation between the adjacent pixels of the boundary. As such the initial values of the corner points can be obtained. Thirdly, the values of serration depth are computed for error compensation, and the coordinates of corner points (top and bottom) are obtained. Finally, all kinds of features, including serration numbers, serration depth, and serration width, are calculated. A big aspen dataset (12 000 pieces) collected from real world are used for algorithm validation. The results show that the estimation accuracy of serration numbers achieves 86.3% and all the parameters shown above can be batch extracted.

  • 引言





    图1 树叶锯齿特征提取研究流程

    Fig.1 Research process of feature extraction of leaf serration

  • 1 基于有界变分的算法

  • 1.1 理论基础



    B V ( u ) = Ω u x d x

    式中 Ω 表示图像区域 Ω 的面积。按照有限差商来解释ux,则有

    u x = u ( x + h ) - u ( x ) h

    可以看出,BV(u)具有如下性质:若 u B V ( [ x 1 , x 2 ] ) ,且在 [ x 1 , x 2 ] 内单调, u ( x 1 ) = u 1 u ( x 2 ) = u 2 ,则无论函数 u 的具体形式如何,只要 u 在边界点 x 1 , x 2 内可导,总[10]

    B V ( u ) = u 2 - u 1
  • 1.2 基于有界变分的锯齿特征提取算法



  • 1.2.1 轮廓坐标提取


    本文在提取锯齿特征之前先对树叶图像进行基本的预处理,获得树叶边缘轮廓坐标。轮廓坐标提取的准确与否,会直接影响到锯齿特征提取的好坏,因此这一步至关重要。首先对彩色图片进行灰度化处理,消除灰度高频噪声;然后将灰度图像二值化,并填充图像中的空洞等不完全部分,获取单个连通体,指定起始点坐标与跟踪方向,较为准确地提取叶片的轮廓坐标;最后,沿着顺时针方向将轮廓坐标分为4个部分,分别存入4个矩阵,供后续分段处理。设 N 为边缘坐标矩阵, b _ t o p , b _ r i g h t , b _ b o t t o m , b _ l e f t 分别为边缘上顶点、 右顶点、下顶点、左顶点的坐标, i , j 为边缘像素坐标,则 N 1 i , j = i , j | i b _ t o p 1 , 1 & j < b _ r i g h t 1 , 2 , 类似依次将坐标分别保存入 N 1 N 2 N 3 N 4 中。图2(a)显示了图像原始轮廓,而图2(b)显示了图像轮廓的4个部分。


    图2 树叶轮廓提取

    Fig.2 Leaf contour extraction

  • 1.2.2 基于变分的锯齿顶点提取



  • (1) 斜率搜索



    ① 根据式(4)计算出目标轮廓上从b_top到b_right之间各点到b_top点的斜率为

    k = N 1 : , 2 - b _ t o p 1,2 N 1 : , 1 - b _ t o p 1,1

    ② 选出上述计算出的斜率中最小值的索引,确定位置为

    i d x s = a r g m i n k

    ③ 以上面计算出的首个位置作为起点,重复①②操作,直到到达b_right,到此为止进行了第一轮搜索,将位置索引保存到I1


  • (2) 误差补偿



    ① 根据式(6,7)计算出由a1,a2构成的直线方程。

    k = I 1 a 2 , 2 - I 1 a 1 , 2 I 1 a 2 , 1 - I 1 a 1 , 1
    y = k x + b

    ② 根据式(8)计算出N11中所有坐标点到由a1,a2构成的直线的距离,从中筛选距离从大到小,再从小到大的点,作为新的顶点。

    D i = k × N 11 i , 1 + b - N 11 i , 2 k 2 + 1

    ③ 对N1中的其他区域重复步骤①,直到N1区域中的顶点扫描完毕,到此为止进行了第二轮搜索,将新筛选出的顶点位置索引联合I1中的位置索引一起保存到I2中。


  • (3) 深度筛除



    I 3 i = { j | D j 0.8 × m a x D : } j I 2
  • 1.2.3 提取锯齿凹点



    i d x c = a r g m a x D
  • 1.2.4 计算特征参数


    上述算法提取锯齿凹点时,计算出的对应最大距离即为当前锯齿的深度,I3中相邻锯齿顶点之间的距离即为锯齿的宽度,而且提取出的锯齿凹点个数就是锯齿的个数。论文算法的详细步骤如表 1所示。

    表1 本文算法详细步骤

    Tab. 1 Detailed process of proposed algorithm

    算法: 基于偏微分的树叶锯齿特征提取算法研究
    输入: 1 200棵白杨树 (12 000片树叶)。
    输出: 单个树叶锯齿个数、深度、宽度。

    初始化: 锯齿检测起点值。


    1. 预处理:搜索树叶边界

    (1) 滤除噪声并二值化;
    (2) 滤波获得单个连通体;
    (3) 获取树叶边界坐标。
    2. 角点搜索(式(4, 5))
    (1) 比较边界点与初始化角点的斜率变化情况;
    (2) 搜索 k 1 × k 2 < 0 点。
    3. 误差补偿(式(6—8))
    (1) 在所有角点之间,比较锯齿深度值;

    (2) 寻找 y n + 1 = y n n 6

    4. 深度筛除(式(9))


  • 2 计算机验证及分析


    本文利用瑞典的白杨树叶对所提算法进行验证,共计1 200棵白杨树,每棵树采集10片树叶,共计12 000张。验证算法的计算机硬件为:CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300HQ,内存8 GB,所有软件平台为Python和Matlab。




    (a) 叶子1的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表

    (a) Serration result of Leaf 1 and its serration parameters


    (b) 叶子2的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表

    (b) Serration result of Leaf 2 and its serration parameters


    (c) 叶子3的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表

    (c) Serration result of Leaf 3 and its serration parameters


    (d) 叶子4的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表

    (d) Serration result of Leaf 4 and its serration parameters

    图3 数据验证结果

    Fig.3 Data verification result



    图4 锯齿个数检测结果

    Fig.4 Detection result of serration numbers

  • 3 结束语




  • 参考文献

    • 1

      洪艳. 基于叶片轮廓与角点的植物叶片识别研究[D].合肥:合肥工业大学,2015.

      Hong Yan. Plant leaves recognition based on leaf contour and corner points[D]. Hefei:Hefei University of Technology, 2015.

    • 2

      Etehadtavakol M, Yin-Kwee N E, Gheissari N. Using shape contexts method for registration of contra lateral breasts in thermal images[J].World Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2014, 5(5):1055-1059.

    • 3

      Mouine S, Yahiaoui I, Verroust-Blondet A. A shape-based approach for leaf classification using multiscale triangular representation[C]//Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. Dallas, USA: ACM, 2013:127-134.

    • 4

      Wang Bin, Brown D, Gao Yongsheng, et al. MARCH: Multiscale-arch-height description for mobile retrieval of leaf images[J]. Information Sciences, 2015(302):132-148.

    • 5

      王晓洁,于浩杰,郑小东.凸包在植物叶锯齿与叶裂位置识别中的应用[J].农机化研究,2013, 35(3):214-216.

      Wang Xiaojie, Yu Haojie, Zheng Xiaodong. Application of convex hull in location discrimination of leaf teeth and leaf lobes[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2013, 35(3):214-216.

    • 6

      董本志,康欣,任洪娥.植物叶片轮廓特征提取方法研究[J].计算机工程与应用, 2015, 51(8):143-147.

      Dong Benzhi, Kang Xin, Ren Hong’ e. Plant leaves contour feature extraction method[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015, 51(8):143-147.

    • 7

      Rudin L I, Osher S, Fatemi E. Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms[J]. Phys D Nonlinear Phenom, 1992, 60: 259-268.

    • 8

      Rudin L I, Osher S. Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints[C]//Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 1994). Austin, TX, USA: IEEE, 1994: 31-35.

    • 9

      Osher S, Burger M, Goldfarb D, et al. An iterative regularization method for total variation-based image restoration[J]. Multiscale Model Simul, 2005, 4: 460-489.

    • 10

      王大凯,侯榆青,彭进业.图像处理的偏微分方程方法[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2008:144-149.

    • 11

      王晓洁, 郑小东. 基于双向极角的植物叶凸包生成算法[J].农机化研究, 2009, 31(10):173-175.

      Wang Xiaojie, Zheng Xiaodong. Algorithm of constructing convex hull for plant leaf based on bidirectional polar angle[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2009, 31(10):173-175.


机 构:南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,南京,210003

Affiliation:College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing,210003, China


李德志(1994- ),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:计算机视觉与机器学习, E-mail: dezhili_ny@163.com。


机 构:南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,南京,210003

Affiliation:College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing,210003, China


成孝刚(1980- ),男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:人工智能(Vision++)。


机 构:南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,南京,210003

Affiliation:College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing,210003, China


汪涛(1993- ),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:计算机视觉与机器学习。


机 构:南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,南京,210003

Affiliation:College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing,210003, China


吕泓君(1994- ),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:计算机视觉与机器学习。


机 构:南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,南京,210003

Affiliation:College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing,210003, China


李海波(1965- ),男,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:新媒体技术。


角 色:中文编辑


算法: 基于偏微分的树叶锯齿特征提取算法研究
输入: 1 200棵白杨树 (12 000片树叶)。
输出: 单个树叶锯齿个数、深度、宽度。

初始化: 锯齿检测起点值。


1. 预处理:搜索树叶边界

(1) 滤除噪声并二值化;
(2) 滤波获得单个连通体;
(3) 获取树叶边界坐标。
2. 角点搜索(式(4, 5))
(1) 比较边界点与初始化角点的斜率变化情况;
(2) 搜索 k 1 × k 2 < 0 点。
3. 误差补偿(式(6—8))
(1) 在所有角点之间,比较锯齿深度值;

(2) 寻找 y n + 1 = y n n 6

4. 深度筛除(式(9))



图1 树叶锯齿特征提取研究流程

Fig.1 Research process of feature extraction of leaf serration

图2 树叶轮廓提取

Fig.2 Leaf contour extraction

表1 本文算法详细步骤

Tab. 1 Detailed process of proposed algorithm

图3 数据验证结果 -- (a) 叶子1的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表(a) Serration result of Leaf 1 and its serration parameters

Fig.3 Data verification result -- (a) Serration result of Leaf 1 and its serration parameters

图3 数据验证结果 -- (b) 叶子2的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表(b) Serration result of Leaf 2 and its serration parameters

Fig.3 Data verification result -- (b) Serration result of Leaf 2 and its serration parameters

图3 数据验证结果 -- (c) 叶子3的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表(c) Serration result of Leaf 3 and its serration parameters

Fig.3 Data verification result -- (c) Serration result of Leaf 3 and its serration parameters

图3 数据验证结果 -- (d) 叶子4的锯齿图及其锯齿参数表(d) Serration result of Leaf 4 and its serration parameters

Fig.3 Data verification result -- (d) Serration result of Leaf 4 and its serration parameters

图4 锯齿个数检测结果

Fig.4 Detection result of serration numbers

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  • 参考文献

    • 1

      洪艳. 基于叶片轮廓与角点的植物叶片识别研究[D].合肥:合肥工业大学,2015.

      Hong Yan. Plant leaves recognition based on leaf contour and corner points[D]. Hefei:Hefei University of Technology, 2015.

    • 2

      Etehadtavakol M, Yin-Kwee N E, Gheissari N. Using shape contexts method for registration of contra lateral breasts in thermal images[J].World Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2014, 5(5):1055-1059.

    • 3

      Mouine S, Yahiaoui I, Verroust-Blondet A. A shape-based approach for leaf classification using multiscale triangular representation[C]//Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. Dallas, USA: ACM, 2013:127-134.

    • 4

      Wang Bin, Brown D, Gao Yongsheng, et al. MARCH: Multiscale-arch-height description for mobile retrieval of leaf images[J]. Information Sciences, 2015(302):132-148.

    • 5

      王晓洁,于浩杰,郑小东.凸包在植物叶锯齿与叶裂位置识别中的应用[J].农机化研究,2013, 35(3):214-216.

      Wang Xiaojie, Yu Haojie, Zheng Xiaodong. Application of convex hull in location discrimination of leaf teeth and leaf lobes[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2013, 35(3):214-216.

    • 6

      董本志,康欣,任洪娥.植物叶片轮廓特征提取方法研究[J].计算机工程与应用, 2015, 51(8):143-147.

      Dong Benzhi, Kang Xin, Ren Hong’ e. Plant leaves contour feature extraction method[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2015, 51(8):143-147.

    • 7

      Rudin L I, Osher S, Fatemi E. Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms[J]. Phys D Nonlinear Phenom, 1992, 60: 259-268.

    • 8

      Rudin L I, Osher S. Total variation based image restoration with free local constraints[C]//Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 1994). Austin, TX, USA: IEEE, 1994: 31-35.

    • 9

      Osher S, Burger M, Goldfarb D, et al. An iterative regularization method for total variation-based image restoration[J]. Multiscale Model Simul, 2005, 4: 460-489.

    • 10

      王大凯,侯榆青,彭进业.图像处理的偏微分方程方法[M]. 北京:科学出版社, 2008:144-149.

    • 11

      王晓洁, 郑小东. 基于双向极角的植物叶凸包生成算法[J].农机化研究, 2009, 31(10):173-175.

      Wang Xiaojie, Zheng Xiaodong. Algorithm of constructing convex hull for plant leaf based on bidirectional polar angle[J]. Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research, 2009, 31(10):173-175.