Spectrum Management Regulations, Standards, and Technologies of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communication for Low Altitude Economy
The Sixty-Third Research Institute, National University of Defense Technology, Nanjing 210007, China
Fund Project:
随着“低空经济”被写入政府工作报告,“低空经济”成为2024年度热点词汇。无人机(Unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs)以其高效、灵活、低成本及多载荷等优势,成为“低空经济”的主要产业形态。作为飞行安全和通信安全的重要保障,无人机通信电磁频谱管理是助力“低空经济”蓬勃发展不可或缺的重要因素。本文从2015~2023年无人机电磁频谱管理政策的更迭分析入手,深入探讨了无人机通信频谱管理政策、标准与技术,包括无人机通信的操作频段和飞行监管;进一步综述了以世界电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union, ITU)、美国电气电子工程师学会(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE)和第3代合作伙伴计划(The 3rd Generation Partnership Project,3GPP)等国际组织为代表的标准规范,以及与无人机通信电磁频谱管理关系密切的信道模型和干扰减轻策略;最后展望了无人机通信电磁频谱管理的当前挑战和未来研究方向。
As “low altitude economy” is included in the government reports, it become the hot topic in 2024. Due to the advantages of high efficiency, flexibility, low cost, and multi payload, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are regarded as the main form of “low altitude economy”. As the key factor to guarantee flight safety and communication security, the spectrum management of UAV communication is an indispensable factor in promoting the vigorous development of the “low altitude economy”. This paper starts with the changes of UAV spectrum management policies from 2015 to 2023, and then deeply explores the regulations, standards and technologies of UAV communication, including the operating frequency bands and flight supervision, as well as standard specifications represented by international organizations, such as International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). The subjects of channel models and interference mitigation strategies that closely related to UAV communication spectrum management are also discussed. Finally, current challenges and future research directions of UAV communication spectrum management are presented.