Abstract:To sol ve the deployment optimization problem for detecting stealth target based on net ted radar, two level anti stealth optimization indexes are presented according t o the simplified model of detecting stealth target using single radar when the o bject trajectory is fixed. Since netted radar deployment is a mult i objective optimization problem with multiple solutions, the hierarchical sear c h algorithm integrated particle swarm optimization (PSO) with Powell is propose d. Firstly PSO algorithm is used to obtain global and local optimal solution. Th en the Powell algorithm is used to search the final deployment solution. Si mul ation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm combines the advantages o f PSO′s global search ability and Powell′s local search ability. The deploymen t solution using the proposed algorithm compared with the PSO algorithm i mproves the detection probability of stealth target effectively, and increases t he warning distance, under the premise that responsible cover area does not decr ease.