Abstract:The sensor information D-S fusion met hod of millimeter wave radar and CCD camera is researched. This pap er discusses information collection and segmentation of millimeter wave radar, c omputing the distance and orientation of the obstacle, judging whether t he obstacle is in region of interested(ROI) of unmanned ground platform or n ot, information collection and segmentation of CCD camera, and calcu lation of width, height and azimuths of obstacle. Space matching is realized thr ough establishing coordinate system and homogeneous transformation among coordinate systems. According to D-S fusion method, obstacle recognition frame is establi shed a t first, and its basic probability distribution value of obstacle index is ascer tained by test. Then fusion results under evidence associative action are calculated according to combination rule of D S evidence method, and di stance, ori e ntation and size of the obstacle in unmanned ground platform ROI are acquire d. At last, the method is verified in unmanned ground platform ROI, and result s how s that the method is validate and more robust.